Header Annick van Hardeveld
title: Annick van Hardeveld 1923-1945
subtitle: a personal family-history
writers: Yann en Annick van Hardeveld
publisher: Annick van Hardeveld, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2013
price: € 19,50 € 14,50 (starting from April 1st 2015)
De omslagfoto van het boek

Annick van Hardeveld (1923-1945) was 21 years old when she was shot by the Grüne Polizei in last night of WW2 in the Netherlands. She was a courier with the Resistance in Amsterdam where she transported coupons, life supplies and weapons. At the Hekelveld field, the place she was murdered, is a monument to her where every year on the May 4th a ceremony is held. In the book her life is described using photographs, letters, documents and witness reports of those who knew her, including attachments.

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